Dr. BENGHALEM Abdelhadi is a doctor in economic engineering and enterprise, a member of MECAS laboratory, Faculty of Economics and Management, Tlemcen University. He is currently a Lecturer at Tlemcen university in international finance, and a Reviewer in Africa Academy of Management journal -Taylor & Francis- Print ISSN: 2332-2373 Online ISSN: 2332-2381. BENGHALEM specializes in Entrepreneurship, innovation and Economic development. In addition he is a Research project member: PRFU, n° (F02NO1UN130120180010), “Innovation, diversification and sustainable growth in Algeria”, (2018-2021) granted by the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. His most recent paper, the impact of entrepreneurship on economic growth: empirical evidence from selected African countries. Business Sciences Review ISSN: 1112-3818 /EISSN: 2602-5396 is published in March 2021.
- TESOL Certification: (Arizona state university, USA)
- Econometrics: Methods & application certification : (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- Academic literacy certification: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
13, Tlemcen, Tlemcen, Algeria