Dr. Hania Fadl graduated from Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University in 1970; and practiced medicine in Sudan from 1970 to 1974. In 1974 she received a governmental scholarship to specialize in diagnostic radiology in the UK (St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. London). From 1987 to 1990 she worked as a general consultant radiologist for the UK National Health Service in hospitals in Birmingham & London. In 1990 she was appointed consultant Breast Radiologist for the UK National Breast Cancer Screening Program (Chairing Cross Hospital & North London BCSS), a position she held until 2008. This wealth of long experience in breast cancer diagnoses and treatment inspired Dr. Hania to setup Khartoum Breast Care Centre (KBCC) in Sudan. With the aid of family financial support she founded the centre as a non-profit facility. Supported by a charitable fund, it has raised awareness and provided international standard screening and diagnostic services to vulnerable groups of women (and men). On 13th of June 2015 Dr. Hania received OBE (Order of The British Empire) by Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elisabeth II in recognition of her services to women in Sudan. On 31st of December 2015 Dr.Hania received an Order of Distinction by H.E Omer Hassan Al Bashir, the president of Sudan in recognition of her services to the Sudanese society. She continues to care for women with breast cancer under the umbrella of the Hania Fadl Foundation (HFF) led by the principle trustees Mr. Hosh & Miss Hadeel Ibrahim.
Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University 1970
Faculty of Radiology, London 1977
Royal College of Radiologist 1987
Khartoum, Northern, Sudan