Professor Nazik Elmalaika Husain is the Director of the Medical Education Development Center (MEDC) since May 2019, and previously Vice Dean at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan.
Nazik Elmalaika has a medical degree (MBBS, University of Gezira) and started her career in Khartoum State Ministry of Health in Sudan in 1997. She completed her MD Clinical Pathology at the University of Khartoum (U of K), Sudan, Master of Health Profession Education (U of K), Master of Molecular Medicine from the Institute of Endemic Diseases (U of K), then Ph.D. in Histopathology. She is professionally accredited as a Consultant in Pathology. Prof. Nazik is a founding member of the MD Histopathology at the Sudan Medical Specialization Board (SMSB) in Sudan (2017). She is the Vice President of the 'MD Histopathology Council,' SMSB, from December 2018- up to date.
As a pathologist, Nazik Elmalaika worked in the National Health Laboratory and Omdurman Teaching Hospital, then in the Department of Histopathology, Cytology & Immunohistochemistry, Khartoum Oncology Hospital (Formerly Radiation & Isotope Center, Khartoum (RICK), Sudan, from March 2011 up to date. She reports surgical histopathological specimens, interprets immunohistochemical studies, runs Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) and Fluid Cytology Clinic. She was also participating in laboratory management and provision of equipment and was the Head of the Histopathology Department in 2019- 2020.
In that time, she led several types of research and supervised many MSc, MD Pathology and Ph.D. students, covering gynecologic (cervical and ovarian), breast cancer and Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors. Her work has also covered diverse topics HIV-Associated Nephropathy, Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and dyslipidemia in people living with HIV in Africa. She co-authored Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Africa and the Middle East: An Attempt to Predict the Present and Future Implications on the Healthcare System. Also, she has some research work in genetics, bioinformatics and haematopathology.
Professor Nazik is a member of The Committee for COVID-19 Diagnosis in Sudan. In that role, she set guidelines for Issuing Emergency Use Authorization for New technologies and Tests for the Diagnosis and Screening of COVID-19 in Sudan early in the pandemic.
In May 2020, together with a group of academics led by Professor Abdelmonaim Sahal Almardi, they developed 'The New University Reality Project,' which aimed to rehabilitate Sudanese universities for the new reality after Corona to continue their mission.
Then, from 1 July 2020, as the Head of Distance Learning Committee, she leads an Online movement at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, OIU. She participated in training trainers' workshops and meetings, advising e. curriculum reform, and setting the standard e. courses and lessons guidelines. Together with her team in the Committee, she helped establish the E. Learning Moodle platform on the website of OIU and save the academic year during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her motto is 'Saving the time and life of medical students and teachers and quality education.
Professor Nazik Husain has been nominated as a member of the Technical Committee Experts for the Reproductive Cancers, Safe Motherhood Unit, the National Reproductive Health Program, under the Primary Health Directorate at the Federal Ministry of Health, Sudan. She helped write the curriculum, develop and update the National Cancer Strategy and the Strategic Plan for Breast Cancers in Sudan (2021-2025).
Prof. Nazik leads a research group to support the stakeholders to establish health policies and programs that facilitate the prevention and control of cervical cancer in Sudan, in keeping with the Global strategy to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem set by the WHO. She has faith in public-private partnership, collaboration between the Ministry of Higher Education and multi-disciplinary working across sectors; she thinks they will be vital in achieving the transformation needed to meet the sustainable development goals in Sudan.
Nazik continues to engage globally on initiatives that affect countries and regions with a particular interest in Fasting. Her diverse research team founded the ‘Ramadan Research Society’ and planned to initiate the ‘One Health and Ramadan Month Group’ and ‘Fasting Research Center’.
Khartoum, Northern, Sudan