I’m a Sudanese expatriate living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I work at the College of Applied Medical Sciences as a Professor of Human Nutrition for developing the “national nutrition policy for the Kingdom o Saudi Arabia (KSA)“.I have previously consulted by UNICEF and the Federal Ministry o Health FMOH (2008) to develop the “national nutrition policy and strategies for implementation for the Republic of Sudan“. I have also consulted by the FAO, (2005) to develop the “Sudan Nutrition Country Profile” . And consulted by the WFP to develop the “Food, Nutrition and HIV Strategy (2010–2014) for North Sudan“. I strive to make life of our communities better and healthier through empowering nutritionist to assume leadership skills and qualities through nutrition education, training and knowledge sharing. In that regard, I have established (2001) the “Nutrition Center for Training and Research, NCTR” at Ahfad University for Women, Sudan basically, to train nutritionist and health graduates at the post-graduate level (Higher Diploma, MS and PhD). My favorite field is the area of “Nutrition in Emergency” and I have done many research and training programs particularly the community-based Management of Malnutrition (CMAM) and other related programs targeting NGOs, Government employees and students. I have led teams (2003) to write two Books in “Family Sciences” (Nutrition & Health) which are now being taught to Students at the Secondary Schools in Sudan for about 10 years.
B.Sc in Biochemistry from the Faculty of Science, King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in 1983.
MS and PhD degrees from the department of Biochemistry and Soil Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Sudan in 1987 and 1992.
Omdurman, Khartoum, Sudan